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* Meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each Month @ 7:00 pm

** MANY PCRC Councils have resumed in-Person Meetings

- Check with your Local PCRC Director (Listed Below) for more Info...

* Meetings held at:





~ Asst./Director:


~ Director:



~ Secretary:


~ Treasurer:




                                           ( PCRC 04

~ Did you know that there is a "Police Community Relations Council" (aka: PCRC) in your Area?  Most people are not aware until a concern sneaks around the corner and comes into their community!


~ Our Mission is to forge better communications, awareness, understanding and respect of the Citizens in our area and the Police who serve our needs. This enables us to assist the Baltimore County Police Department at educating our citizens and businesses about crime awareness and prevention methods suitable to our area and the Law and Order they are required to enforce and maintain. 

~ By establishing this relationship we realize and provide the additional tools, services and cooperation the Police need in order to improve the safety and quality of our lives, making it safer for them to do so. 


~ Dear Member: 

   PCRC is a no-frills charitable organization, with no paid staff, no luxurious offices, no fancy dinners, and no boondoggles.  Every dollar you contribute is spent to support the efforts of the Law Enforcement Officers here in our local community.  How does the Pikesville PCRC do this?  Here are just a few of the ways: 

  • Underwriting the costs of specialized training on dealing with domestic violence, the impact of drugs in the community, gang violence, hostage incidents and terrorist threats.

  • Purchasing badly needed equipment, things like bicycles for community patrols and laser beacons for the K-9 Unit. 

  • Providing Thanksgiving and Christmas meals at the Precinct for the Officers who are at work, away from their families, on these Holidays. 

  • Sponsoring an Annual Officer Appreciation Day to recognize the Precinct's men & women, their spouses, and children for their sacrifices they make for us every day of the year. 

  • Honoring an Officer-of-the-Year, selected by the Precinct Commander, and the PCRC Board, with an engraved plaque. 


   We also organize and hold monthly Meetings at which the Precinct Commander and his colleagues come together to inform all members of the Community, all of whom are welcome to attend, ​to discuss Crime Trends, learn about Police activities, share Community and Police concerns, hear Crime Prevention tips, and improve communication.  If you would like more information about our work, please email Jerry at: and you will receive a prompt reply. 

   In the meantime, before putting this letter aside, please make your tax-deductible charitable contribution of $10, $25, $50 -- however much or little you can afford -- to the Pikesville PCRC today.  Also, consider a request of a $100 contribution from your Homeowner's Association. 

   The local Precinct PCRC exists to enhance and recognize the work of the dedicated men and women at the Local Precinct, as well as to further Police=Community communication and understanding.  We need your assistance, will put whatever you donate to good use, and will greatly appreciate your charitable gift in support of our local Police Precinct. 


   Thank You For all  you do for Baltimore County 

c/o Pikesville P.C.R.C. 

Baltimore County Police Department 

Pikesville -- Precinct 04

215 Milford Mill Road

Pikesville, MD  21208 

Thank You, in advance for your Support, 

Jerry D'Antoni, President/Director


501 (c) (3) # 26-0163694

*** What is a "Police & Community Relations Council"? 

~ There are Precincts in Baltimore County and each Precinct currently has an active PCRC made up of community groups, businesses and concerned citizens. The Pikesville PCRC acts as a support group for Precinct 04 and their personnel. The PCRC assist the Baltimore County Police Department in the education of citizens in how to reduce and prevent crime; and acts as a liaison between the Baltimore County Police Department and the Community. 

~ We know that everyone leads busy lives -- it is about one and a half hours of your time once a month! In one and a half hours you should gain valuable information concerning crime & crime trends in your neighborhoods and learn the resources available to assist you directly from the Precinct Commander, an Officer from the Community Outreach Unit and sometimes a guest speaker from the Baltimore County Police Department or a related agency. 

~ Council Meetings are held monthly within nearly every Precinct Command in Baltimore County. The Council members meet with the Precinct Commander and other attending Police personnel. These meetings are an excellent way to resolve issues that exist between the Community and the Police Department. They provide an open forum where citizens may bring attention to problems within their neighborhood and allow them to be addressed with the appropriate joint Police and Community response. These meetings also provide a line of communications where the Police Department can inform the Community of departmental programs and enlist community help in crime prevention projects. 

~ Members of the Councils regularly recognize individual Officers within their Precincts through various yearly and monthly awards. Some Police Councils have fund-raisers to purchase and provide needed equipment and supplies for their Precincts. 

~ Our goal is to make the Precinct & Community a safer place to live through mutual understanding of Police and Citizen concerns. We provide a structured forum where Law Enforcement officials and citizens can come together to discuss concerns in their neighborhoods. 

~ The Police Community Relations Councils are constantly recruiting and always welcome new members. We encourage our Police Officers to utilize their Council as an important resource to members of the community who may be interested in: 

  • Learning about the Police Department

  • Bringing Community problems to the attention of the Department

  • Participating in Crime Prevention activities 

~ Participate in Community and Crime Prevention Programs with your Police Department to create a safer and more secure community. We invite you to join us when you can.

*** Contact the Community Outreach Unit in your Precinct (see below) for additional information. 



215 Milford Mill Road

Pikesville, Maryland  21208

The PCRC is politically non-partisan and does NOT endorse any candidate for public office. 

Baltimore County Police & Community Relations Council is a 501.c.3 organization

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***Simply Download Application, complete it, and send it to the address of record of your Precinct along with a Tax-Deductible Check for the appropriate Dues (listed at bottom of Application).  Of course, additional Donations are always welcomed too!!  It is a Double Application Form - Feel Free to share with a neighbor or neighboring Business. Strength comes in numbers... Be part of your Neighborhood Team to Support your Local Police Precinct... let's help fight CRIME!!!  Click on Precinct Map (Below) to find out which Precinct you reside in...

***we are a... 501 (c.3) - non-profit organization

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